
Wood Fence Installation

Wood Fence Installation

Dog Eared Fences

Dog-ear boards can be used in several styles of fencing, from privacy to shorter, picket-style spaced fencing The term “dog-ear” applies to the shape of the top of the boards. Instead of a flat top, the boards have the corners sawed off, providing a “dog-ear” shape, or half-hexagonal shape, to the top of the boards. The Dog-Ear fence also lends itself very well as a “good neighbor” fence

Interested in a Wood Fence?

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Cedar Privacy Fence Installation in Bedford, NH.

Cedar Privacy Fence Installation in Bedford, NH.

The crew from Granite State Fence recently installed cedar privacy fencing with lattice top for this property in Bedford, NH. With our many years of experience, quality craftsmanship and customer satisfaction, you can be confident that the professionals at Granite...

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Cedar Stockade Fence Installed in Hudson, NH.

Cedar Stockade Fence Installed in Hudson, NH.

This cedar stockade fence was installed by Granite State Fence for this property in Hudson, NH. We understand the value of a quality fence and the impact it can make on your property. Fences have multiple purposes in our lives. They serve as  barriers, protecting you...

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Custom Built Cedar Fence built onsite in Hampstead, NH

Custom Built Cedar Fence built onsite in Hampstead, NH

Our customer in Hampstead, NH wanted a built on site cedar fence that would allow the fence to swing in toward the front yard, have an arched bottom, and still have the side panels follow the ground. It may look different then what we normally do but this is exactly...

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Cedar Fencing/Privacy Fence in Hudson, NH

Cedar Fencing/Privacy Fence in Hudson, NH

Granite State Fence is a full service residential and commercial fencing contractor. We had a customer come into our shop looking for a way to separate himself from some town utilities.  After reviewing our...

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Cedar Fence/Wood Fencing in Londonderry, NH

Cedar Fence/Wood Fencing in Londonderry, NH

Granite State Fence is a full service Residential and Commercial Fencing Contractor. Our customer had an old rotted fence that was falling apart. We replicated the fence by custom building a cedar boards...

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Wood Fence Installation in Nashua, NH | Storm Damage Repair

Wood Fence Installation in Nashua, NH | Storm Damage Repair

A large tree fell and destroyed two separate fences on our client's property. We replaced the entire back fence with Two Rail Locust Split Rail Fencing and we also replaced Two Panels of Six Foot Wood Picket Fencing along the side of the house. [gallery columns="2"...

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Wood Fence Installed in Salem, NH

Wood Fence Installed in Salem, NH

Today we removed an old rotted Wood Fence and disposed it off site. We then installed this custom five foot Cedar Picket Fence with Pressure Treated Posts. The Backer Rails were not at a uniform height, so...

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Fence Installation in Chester, NH

Fence Installation in Chester, NH

Today the Crew installed Diamond Cedar Split Rail Fencing with 5 x 5 Cedar Posts with one Double Gate and one Single Gate. The customer wanted to enclose the backyard for their dogs. The customer planned to attach black Chicken Wire to the backside of the fence to...

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